The stronger and stronger spread of coronavirus is a huge set back to the entire world. The virus originated from Wuhan, China is still eering the world. As per the latest records, there are more than 3 lakh cases reported across the world and the count is still increasing. How can we stay protected in …
Tag: cleaning companies in dubai
Best cleaning practices for a virus free home according to hourly maids in Dubai
House cleaning services Dubai to ensure safety measures in the fight against the COVID-19
We all know that the world is going through a bad break. The novel coronavirus outbreak has contrived the world to a pandemic stage. Countries like China and Italy have witnessed the coronavirus catastrophe and are struggling to keep the situation in control. Several countries including Dubai have reported many cases of COVID-19 and are …
Cleaning companies in Dubai advises about to be safe from Coronavirus
As of the latest reports, about 170 countries are affected by the novel coronavirus or COVID-19, which is termed as a global pandemic by WHO. Due to the tremendously spreading nature of this infectious and contagious virus which makes it to be taken seriously. There are a number of researchers happening across the world to …
Top Qualities to look in for Hourly maids in Dubai
Getting the right cleaning company for your home or office can sound like an easy task at first. But once you come across a maid service that is not up to par, which you inevitably will, you’ll realize that there is a lot more to finding the best maids in Dubai than just a simple …
Clean your bathrooms more efficiently
Cleaning your home is probably one of the least interesting chores out there. And the one part of your home that you forego cleaning every week is the bathroom. Seeing as it is the place where you get cleaned up, it appears logical that the bathroom itself would need less cleaning per se than any …
Housekeeping services in Dubai says Deep-clean your mattress the right way
Believe it or not, we spend roughly one-third of our lives asleep. Unless you sleep on the living room couch out of habit or just go full spartan and sleep on the floor, you would be spending this whole chunk of your life on a mattress. But apart from changing the sheets for aesthetics, we …
Pregnancy Period Cleaning Tips from Cleaning Maids in Dubai
If you are an organized person, being pregnant would be a slight inconvenience when you are busy getting your home fresh and shiny. At first, it would be the same as always, but as the weeks progress, you would be less inclined to take so much effort for daily cleaning. Of course, it would be …
Tips from cleaning services in Dubai to Get rid of allergens in your home
Life in a city can be quite torturous when you have severe allergies. Dust and smoke and pollen in the air are harmful to people with severe respiratory allergies. For these folks, going outside without the protection of pollution masks can cause debilitating reactions that last days, even. And if you thought your home is …
Maid services in Dubai advises how to prepare your home for the vacation
It is that time of the year again and you start packing the essentials for the holidays. It doesn’t matter how long you will be gone – leaving the house for more than a day means cleaning up and organizing everything so that you have one less thing to worry about while on vacation. Because …
Cleaning those overlooked areas in the Office
Modern offices have a sort of minimalist charm to them. They are designed to reduce distraction for the maximum efficiency of employees and provide a comfortable working space. But when you have a dozen or so employees who have different lifestyle habits working in close proximity, there is bound to be a little mess here …