Tips & Tricks for a Clean Home | Home cleaning service in Dubai


Do you wish to have a clean, organized home? At Homemaids home cleaning service in Dubai, we know how difficult it is to keep our homes clean. Here are 5 quick tips and tricks to keep your home as fresh as new. 


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No. 5 Refresh your dishwasher with vinegar


While most people are not aware of the need for cleaning up a dishwasher. Your dishwasher can attract dirt and grime over time due to the remains of food. Our cleaning experts suggest using vinegar to clean the inside of a dishwasher. Fill in a bowl with white vinegar, place the bowl on the bottom of your dishwasher and run on the hot water setting. Vinegar is known to break down residues stuck inside and keep your dishwasher free from dirt.  


No. 4 Clean the base of the humidifier with hydrogen peroxide


Are you worried about the mineral build-up at the base of your humidifier? Here is a simple solution from Homemaids Home Cleaning Service in Dubai. Start by unplugging the humidifier. Now dismantle the water tank and filter from the machine. Now add 3% hydrogen peroxide into the base. Leave it for a couple of minutes and use an old toothbrush to scrub off the residue of the humidifier base. Rinse off with fresh water and let it air dry.


No. 3 Capture allergens and dust with Air Filters


Dust is a common problem in many homes. These particles can cause asthma attacks, allergies, coughs and sneezing. You can capture dust with the help of air purifiers. According to the best home cleaning service in Dubai, air purifiers not only capture dust particles but also they will give you a better-smelling home. If you have children, the elderly or people with asthma symptoms in your households, air filters can definitely eliminate the risk of airborne diseases. HEPA filters also reduce allergies and enhance the overall wellness of the family members.


No. 2 Clean faster with microfiber tools


Microfibers are amazing cleaning tools. Microfiber catches dust and dirt effortlessly when compared to conventional cleaning tools. Did you know that microfiber can absorb water seven times more than its weight? Microfiber tools and dusters contain more than 2 lakh fibers. These fibers have an electrostatic charge which will help them to hold dust particles which is why the microfiber tools are amazing when it comes to cleaning, especially dusting. These tools are environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

 home cleaning service in Dubai


No. 1 Never forget to deodorize.



Is the stinking smell inside the disposal disturbing you? Baking soda works great when it comes to eliminating foul smells inside the kitchen. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda into the garbage disposal to eliminate the funky smell inside the disposal. To deodorize the dishwasher, you can run the dishwasher by keeping half a cup of baking soda on the bottom and running it on a hot water cycle.

Need a helping hand? Hire home cleaning experts from Homemaids.

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